bwJupyter for Education

Together with other pilot universities, KIT and the University of Stuttgart are developing a new state service bwJupyter for Education as part of the dialog process "Universities in the digital world" of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.

Jupyter is a web application that provides users access to computing environments and resources without burdening them with installation and maintenance tasks. After requesting a resource, the user lands in a Jupyterlab environment. Further information on the benefits and functions of the Jupyterlab interface can be found at this link.

A central component of Jupyter is the Jupyter Notebook. This is a document that can simultaneously contain formatted continuous text, executable code sections, and (interactive) visualizations (image, sound, video, 3D views). Further information on the Jupyter Notebook can be found under this link.

After a successful pilot project, bwJupyter will start at the beginning of the summer semester 2025. The JupyterHub will be available as early as March 11, 2025. The corresponding link to access the hub will be provided shortly.

Service Description

bwJupyter provides a central JupyterHub for lecturers and students. Registration takes place via the state-wide identity management system bwIDM. Manual activation is not required.

bwJupyter provides the required computing resources. Each user receives 8 GB of RAM and 5 GB of persistent memory. A total of 8x NVIDIA L40S graphics cards (GPUs) are provided for computationally intensive operations.

Lecturers can create their own profiles on the JupyterHub. This allows materials to be shared with students. bwJupyter already provides various environments with pre-installed packages and dependencies. Lecturers can also specify their own environments in the form of Docker images.

A detailed description and documentation on using the service will be available in the coming weeks.


The following limitations apply to bwJupyter.

  • bwJupyter cannot currently be used for e-tests.
  • The JupyterHub may only be used for teaching purposes.
    Use for private projects and research projects is not permitted.
  • In order to offer the service to as many users as possible, we have to limit the resources per user.
  • If you require additional resources and capacities, please get in touch with the state service bwHPC.


For feedback, technical problems, or questions about using the service, please contact

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